Iter Press Journals

Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme

Renaissance and Reformation is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary quarterly that dates back to 1964. The journal publishes scholarly articles and reviews in English and French across all aspects of Renaissance, Reformation, and Early Modern Studies, including global perspectives and submissions from scholars working on diverse regions and cultures. The journal also publishes special issues dedicated to a particular theme to showcase current research in established and emerging fields of study.

Renaissance et Réforme est une revue multidisciplinaire avec comité de lecture, qui paraît quatre fois par an. La revue, fondée en 1964, publie des articles et des comptes-rendus en français et en anglais portant sur tous les aspects de la Renaissance, de la Réforme et de la première modernité, y compris des travaux réalisés dans une perspective mondiale qui embrassent diverses régions et cultures. La revue publie également des numéros spéciaux consacrés à un thème spécifique afin de mettre en valeur la recherche la plus actuelle menée au sein de champs d’études émergents et établis.


Founded in 1990, Confraternitas is the refereed, biannual journal of the Society for Confraternity Studies and is devoted to research on all aspects of medieval and early modern confraternities, religious guilds, hevrot, tariqa, and futuwwa.

Confraternitas publishes scholarly articles and reviews, and shares information of interest to its communities. The journal also publishes special issues to present a more sustained examination of specific topics and new directions in the field. The journal is comprehensive and inclusive in its support of confraternity studies. Accordingly, the editors welcome work that is inter/trans disciplinary; local, regional, or global in scope; and also that explores connections to modern institutional fraternalism. 

Quaderni d’Italianistica

Quaderni d’Italianistica, the official journal of the Canadian Association for Italian Studies, is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1980. It publishes articles and book reviews in English, French, or Italian touching on any aspect of Italian literature from the origins to the present, Italian language, linguistics, and pedagogy.

The journal publishes cutting-edge research on Italian language and literature by Canadian and foreign scholars. Over the decades, the journal has been at the forefront of Italian studies not only by hosting articles by international authorities in the field, but also by publishing special issues in new and developing areas of research. The journal has consistently moved from a national to a transnational perspective, opening its pages to questions of race, gender, and diasporic communities.

Italian Canadiana

Italian Canadiana is the journal of the Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, located in the Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto.

Founded in 1985, the journal publishes scholarly research articles and reviews in English, French, and Italian on any and all aspects of the lives of Italians living in Canada and Canadians of Italian origin. It welcomes proposals for special issues devoted to a specific topic touching on Italians in Canada and their relationship either with their host country or their country of origin. The journal also accepts articles on the wider sphere of Italians in North America.

Early Modern Digital Review

Early Modern Digital Review (EMDR) is an online, open-access, and refereed journal publishing high-quality reviews of digital projects related to early modern society and culture. It is committed to productive evaluation of both established digital resources and recent tools and projects.

EMDR is published by Iter Press in partnership with the journal, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. It was founded by the Renaissance Knowledge Network with support from the Mellon Foundation, the Advanced Research Consortium, Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab.